Work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching. -Unknown Sometimes you have to walk away from what you want to find what you deserve. Pray more, worry less. Let your dreams stay big and your worries stay small. If you don't step forward you will always remain in the same place. Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose. - G.K. Nielson Stop wishing for it and start working for it. For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. -Ralph Waldo Emerson Take control of your emotions before emotions take control of you... Happiness will come to you when it comes from you. Success will be yours when you choose to take responsibility for making it so. No one has ever made himself great by showing how small someone else is. - Irvin Himmel You can never do a kindness to soon because you never know how soon it will be to...