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Kebab Turki Baba Rafi Cilacap

Honai Cafe Cilacap

Hello i hope you allways happy in your live. Now i want to share you about on of my favourite cafe. This name is Honai cafe. Cafe located on the road this rinjani including one new cafe in Cilacap, but is already quite crowded by visitors.      The first time the menu offered here is still a little but with a relatively affordable price for a bowl of salad and cold drinks we only spent money 20K. Last but yesterday I was there for an already diverse menu and more expensive than ever before. To drink ranges from 15K - 20K This cafe provides a place to sing. you can donate your golden voice here :) I actually do love spending time in Honai Cafe. The place is nice, the ambiance is really homey, really comfortable. Never bored even repeatedly come here . Summary : Honai The Flore Honai Cafe  Located Jl Rinjani No.8 beside Indomaret Open daily 10 AM - 11 PM  

Alun - alun Cilacap

Haloooo blogger Klo kalian jalan - jalan ke Cilacap pasti sudah gak asing lagi sama Alun - alun Cilacap. Disitu kalian akan menemui ikon kota Cilacap dan yang terbaru dan baru dibuka per 30 Desember 2015 yaitu Taman KNPI Cilacap. Oh iya di alun - alun banyak gowes semacam sepeda yang bisa kalian sewa dengan harga Rp 5.000 per orang selama 30 menit. Yuk jadikan Cilacap sebagai destinasi tujuan wisata kalian. Ajak keluarga, sahabat atau pasangan kalian ya :) ditunggu